Dear Little E,
Today you turn ten months old, in eight weeks time you will be one. How did that happen!
This past month you have learnt how to sit up from laying down and you also discovered your knees. This means you can now also crawl on all fours so you are very mobile.
This has made you very happy and we are discovering your cheeky personality more and more every day.
This also means we now have a little visitor at the side of the sofa. I’m secretly looking forward to when you will be able to climb up and join us because you want to.
I must admit that I was getting worried that you had decided not to like finger foods but for the past week or so you have been eating them again. We have also started to think of other foods you can now try now that you are showing more of an interest.
On Friday you also decided that you can hold your beaker to drink yourself.
You have also been watching your brother rewinding his channels on the Sky + box. You have worked out how to change the channels, now we have two of you controlling the TV!
You also love to get your hands on your brothers iPad as soon as he puts it down for a few minutes you have it in your hands.
There was another milestone for you this month as you experienced your first hair cut. I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon and you could do with another trim already.
It was your brothers birthday on Friday so you experienced balloons for the first time. You enjoyed chasing them around the front room.
We also went to Legoland Windsor for the weekend. You coped very well with the rides apart from the laser one, I think you found it quite loud in there.
Your brother also started school this month which means we have more time together in the week. We now go to Sing and Sign, Mother and Baby Swimming Lessons and Baby Ballet. You are keeping me very busy.
I love the time we have together, you really are turning into a very giggly, cheeky monkey.