There are just under two weeks left of 2018. It’s time to look back and reflect on the year we have had. I must admit it hasn’t been an easy year for us. There have been quite a struggles for all of us. There were some testing moments with Ethan that now, thankfully, feel like a distant memory. Little E started school, which come with struggles I just wasn’t expecting. Both of our jobs changed. This meant a new routine for us all to get used too. Our roles had to change at home which has been interesting. On the

Infographic created by
As you can see there are quite a few big name companies listed in that list. Considering I use Facebook most days I find the fact that they have leaked data very scary. What I am surprised to see is that the UK police are also on the naughty list. Allegedly accessing phone records illegally!
To read BestVPN’s full findings visit their website. They are also giving one lucky reader the chance to win a 50″ 4K Samsung TV. To enter the competition simply answer the question surrounding the above Naughty and Nice list infographic. The competition closes before Christmas so you must be quick to enter.
I really hope 2019 is a better year for us personally. I also hope that the companies looking after our private details find better ways to keep us all secure!
DISCLOSURE – This is a collaborative post. The competition is being hosted by BestVPN. We do not take any responsibility for the running of this competition or the prize being given away.