This is the week I started decreasing my anxiety medication. After talking to the nurse practitioner last week I have to go down the tapering route. So on Monday night, I started half of the dosage I have been taking daily for the past few years. To be honest I was a bit worried about it. Going on to the medication was hard. I experienced lots of side effects. Fingers crossed it hasn’t been too bad so far.

On Tuesday morning I did feel quite ill. I felt sick, tired and not 100%. Darren was at home which meant he was in charge of the school run. So I only had to worry about myself and my work. Thankfully the feeling passed quickly. Apart from feeling a little light-headed at certain points of the week, the Tuesday morning sickness is the only side effect I have had. I have another week of this dosage before I need to reduce it again.
Ironically as I’m decreasing my medication Ethan has started to do the thing that contributed to me needing the medication in the first place. He has started his throwing again. He is all out of sorts due to the excitement of Christmas. Very excitable and very unsettled. He is finding the throwing funny again. I’m keeping everything crossed that we will be able to manage this bout of continuous throwing and it will pass quickly.
Apart from that, this week has been nice and normal. I’m no longer helping my friend with the school runs we are walking together. I honestly can’t remember the last time we walked to school together on the school run. I’m hoping covid can leave us alone for a bit and let us have some normal weeks. I say this remembering that both children are close contacts and they are taking daily lateral flow tests!
Fingers crossed that your anxiety will be kept under control despite the adjustments in your meds.
And also that your son will settle soon. Sending hugs for a great week next week.
It sounds a big week for you. Impressed by halving your medication. I hope there are no more side effects. #wotw
That is great news about your medication. I am glad it’s going well with reducing it. I hope Ethan moves past throwing things soon. x
I hope the side effects subside and you feel better. I also hope that Ethan gets over his throwing phase again. And long may Covid keep away from your door. x
Glad you are at the point of feeling able to decrease your anxiety medication and hope all goes well with slowly tapering it down. Sorry to hear that you felt unwell but glad it was fairly short-lived. Hope that this new bout of Ethan throwing things is a short-lived one and passes soon. #WotW