This past week the children have been on their half-term school holiday. This holiday was very different as we now have a puppy. I booked two days’ holiday from work as I thought this different would be hard work. I was right, it was but the puppy wasn’t the one causing any issues. He was the easy one!

The week was full of the normal life admin that needed to be taken care of. We had dentist appointments and eyes checked. We also got a chance to visit the cinema to watch Migration with friends followed by a trip to Pizza Hut. It was our day-to-day home life that was different.
I expected Little E to want to spend more time downstairs with our new addition which is a good thing. It meant she spent less time on her iPad. What I wasn’t expecting was Ethan wanting to spend so much time downstairs and off of his iPad. Ethan still isn’t sure of the puppy but he has started to play with him in his own way. I do have to watch them both to make sure everything is kept calm. I think Ethan likes being downstairs to watch what the puppy is doing. He is trying to control things, like when he comes out of the crate, so I have to be firm. The good thing is we are all spending less time on our devices because of our new family member.
Everyone wanting to be downstairs did make my working days difficult. Thankfully I was able to close the kitchen doors so I was just working with the puppy at my feet. Ethan would often pop in to see what was going on and give snack requests. Little E would work on puppy training as often as she could. I’m looking forward to everyone returning to their normal school routines again next week. The summer holidays might prove interesting but the puppy won’t be so new then!
It sounds like a great half term. Probably not the easiest to get on with work, but nice to tick a few things off the list. How lovely that Little E is keen to train the puppy. That is fabulous. We always included our children in the puppy classes and that really helped with making the training consistent. Clubs are always keen to get young members in, so Little E might be interested in a local obedience or agility class later on, depending on your pup’s temperament.