Ravensburger was looking for bloggers to work with this spring to review their puzzles. I really enjoyed completing the Harry Potter Puzzle before Christmas and I wanted to start puzzling a bit more. Ravensburger was happy to send me a puzzle so I picked the Dog’s Delight puzzle to review. Little did I know that we would need to be social distancing by the time this puzzle arrived. My new puzzle offered a nice respite from the Coronavirus news.

Ravensburger Dog’s Delight Puzzle
In this 500 piece puzzle, you will find a Husky, Labrador, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua and their friends gathering for a selfie. This Ravensburger puzzle is a high-quality cardboard jigsaw puzzle. It is made from strong premium grade cardboard. It also has a linen finish print which helps minimise the glare on the puzzle image. When complete the puzzle measures at 49 x 36 cm. This puzzle is suitable for ages 10 years and up.

What Do I Love About Ravensburger Dog’s Delight Puzzle?
I wanted to review this puzzle as we gave a selfie puzzle away during our Christmas giveaway and I thought it was really cute. As we are now home schooling I wanted to get Little E involved with this puzzle build. We started the puzzle together by finding all the puzzle pieces with the straight edges so we could build the puzzle frame.

With the frame of the puzzle built we then sorted the puzzle pieces into matching colours. I thought this would be the easiest way to then start piecing together each individual dog.
The first dog I decided to put together was the Yorkshire Terrier hoping these would be the easiest pieces to make out. It took a little while but slowly the Yorkshire Terrier took shape.

To be honest this puzzle was a lot harder to complete than I was expecting. The dog’s fur, although different, was very similar on the many puzzle pieces. I found it easier to find pieces of the puzzle with similar colour whiskers on them. By putting together the whiskers, noses, and eyes of the dogs the rest of the puzzle slowly started to take shape. After a few days, I finally completed the Dog’s Delight Puzzle.

I really enjoyed completing this puzzle. It really did help to take my mind off the current situation. It also turned into a good learning opportunity for Little E as well as some bonding time. I will be looking to complete some more puzzles during this time as I found it nice and relaxing.
DISCLOSURE – We were gifted the Ravensburger Dog’s Delight Puzzle for the purposes of this post. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences of products.