Aquafresh Brush Time App REVIEW

Bushing teeth is one of our big battles with Ethan and we will try anything to make this part of our daily routine easier. We have used the Aquafresh products as part of Ethan’s teeth brushing routine for quite a few years now. When we discovered that they had made an Aquafresh Brush Time App to help encourage children to brush their teeth we were happy to put it to the test.


Aquafresh believe that it is important that children get in to a good and regular teeth brushing routine from an early age, but they are aware that engaging kids at brush time can sometimes be a battle!

Aquafresh is trying to help parents and children make their brush time fun time with the all-singing, all dancing Aquafresh Brush Time App, which helps children brush for the recommended 2 minutes twice a day.


Captain Aquafresh and the Nurdles entertain children with catchy songs and dances whilst a timer counts down the recommended brushing time. There is also a tutorial that explains and demonstrates the correct way to brush your teeth.


The updated version of the app also allows children to customise their brushing routine. This can be done by choosing from a variety of characters, backgrounds and dances. It even lets you link to your favourite playlist to provide endless dance mix-ups for variety every time they brush. The more you brush, the more content is unlocked over time.

Ethan’s Verdict


Ethan loves his iPad and his apps so he is very happy to include this when brushing his teeth. We found that having the app has helped distract Ethan and we have found it a little easier to get near his teeth for brushing. I like that the app includes a demonstration on how to clean your teeth. Ethan needs visuals and this is a perfect visual guide on what is expected of him.

Little E’s Verdict


Little E loves brushing her teeth, it is such a refreshing thing for us. She has loved this app and happily brushes along with the Nurdles. What we have found really funny is that she will use her finger to brush her teeth if we put this app on for her through the day. She loves the music and will dance along with it too.

What we love is that the more you use this app the more you can enhance your experience with all of the different options. This should therefore give the app longevity.

The Aquafresh Brush Time App is FREE to download now in the App Store and Google Play.

DISCLOSURE – We were gifted some Aquafresh products in return for writing this review. We always give our honest opinions, finding, beliefs and experiences.

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