When we went to the Little Tikes launch event for the STEM Jr. range we talked to them about Ethan’s autism. How the Tornado Tower was the perfect toy for Ethan. It was it’s spinning that totally captivated him. With spinning in mind they asked me if we would like to review the Little Tikes Fun Zone Dual Twister. They wondered if it’s spinning would be good for Ethan’s sensory needs.

What Is The Little Tikes Fun Zone Dual Twister?
The Dual Twister is a seated spinner that offers both indoor and outside fun. Your children can enjoy the fast-paced spinning action all year through. In the summer months enjoy the Dual Twister as a water toy. The water spray direction can be changed at the touch of a button in the

The Dual Twister is for ages 24 Months to 5 Years. I did think this was for height reasons and being able to sit on the Dual Twister. I think it is more for wight. At eight Ethan didn’t have any trouble sitting on the Dual Twister. But he is on the smaller side. We did have to make sure that he didn’t tip the Dual Twister over because of he weighs more than a

A video of us unboxing the Little Tikes Fun Zone Dual Twister and our children’s first impressions can be seen below.
What Did Ethan Love About The Little Tikes Fun Zone Dual Twister?
Spinning! Ethan loves to spin and it is perfect for him to get the feedback he needs. He happily spins on the Dual Twister alone or with his sister.

He will ask to spin on the Dual Twister. For Ethan to request a toy to play with is a very rare event. It has given our children hours of entertainment in these cold months.

The video below shows both children having lots of spinning fun.
What Do I Love About The Little Tikes Fun Zone Dual Twister?
I love how much fun my children have had with this toy. How it has been able to engage Ethan to play with his sister. She has also been able to enjoy something he loves, spinning! I’m looking forward to the summer. Both of my children love water and I can’t wait to see their faces when one of their

The Little Tikes Fun Zone Dual Twister has a RRP of £39.99.