Ready2Robot is a new collectible toy range. The children were asked if they would like to review a Ready2Robot single packet and a Ready2Robot Bot Blaster. These come from the series one range.

The Ready2Robot Range
Ready2Robot are the only collectible toy range that let you build, mix and match your own custom bots. You will be able to battle your friends in a robot-brawl. By unboxing more bots you can build your ultimate brawler and become a champion!
Ready2Robot Single Pack

Each Ready2Robot pod contains 5 chambers. In the chambers, you will find 7 unique bot parts and 1 unique pilot contained in a capsule filled with slime. The bot parts are easily put together so that you can build your very own battle bot.

Our single pod contained Hogwash.

In series one there are 18 bots to collect. 1 in 1000 pods will contain the rare chase figure.

Ready2Robot Bot Blaster

Each Bot Blaster pack comes with a single pack pod. This contains the bot and pilot. The pack also includes extra weapons and accessories to help build and customize your bot for battle.

Our Bot Blaster pack contained Spacehog and a spring-loaded missile.

There are different bots to collect in the Bot Blaster and Battle Pack sets.

You can see our unboxing video below…
What Did Little E Think Of The Ready2Robot Collectible Toys?
Little E loves surprise toys and she loved opening these. She loved the little pilots as she thought they looked like cats. The spring-loaded missile was a massive hit and she has had hours of fun with it. Our bots didn’t really battle but that didn’t mean that Little E didn’t have lots of playing fun with them.
What Did I Think Of The Ready2Robot Collectible Toys?
I found the pods quite hard to open. They were double wrapped in the plastic covering. I’m sure one wrapping would have been enough. I like how the pods double up as stands for your bots. With other collectible toys we have reviewed I felt we had a lot of plastic left over. The slime element was a surprise for me. I didn’t know they come with slime. I’m sure this will be a hit with lots of children. Little E had fun with that part. It adds a different element to discovering your surprise inside.