As a family, we have never played mini golf together. I wanted us to play a game, but we never get the chance to fit it in. So when we were invited to visit Great Yarmouth for a holiday I was excited to see Lost World Adventure Golf included in our itinerary.

Visiting Lost World Adventure Golf

This course is a 9-hole Lost World-themed mini golf course. In this course, you will have to navigate around dinosaurs, fossils, idols and even an ancient Aztec temple. Make sure you keep out of the way of the Raptor!

The golf course opens from Easter each year until the end of the October Half-term. Its daily opening times are 10 am to 6 pm but during peak times and bank holidays, you will be able to play mini golf until 10 pm. A round of mini-golf costs £4 each and under 3’s play for free.

Playing Lost World Adventure Golf
Both children were very excited to be playing mini-golf. We collected a scorecard at the start of our game. It was clear from the start we wouldn’t be able to keep track of the real score. Ethan loves to have an activity to complete and for him, the activity was putting the golf ball in its hole. He would pick up our balls and place them in there as quick as possible. Normally after we had only hit our ball once.

Thankfully we didn’t have anyone following us whilst we played. We were able to let Ethan have his moment and then attempt to play the game correctly. But this did mean we had no idea of any scores.

Little E took the game very seriously. She tried to complete the course the correct way around her brother’s antics. Apart from having to fish her golf ball out of the water with a net Little E played really well.

We had a great time playing Lost World Adventure Golf. We all loved the theming. The course was the perfect length for us. Enough holes to attempt to play the game and manage Ethan’s excited behaviour. There were levels of difficulty perfect for us all to manage. I can’t wait for our family to play another round of mini golf.

Panning For Gold
At Lost World Adventure Golf you can also pan for gold. This is something Little E has never had the chance to do. It was nice being able to experience this with her. We had to show booth children how to pan for gold. Scooping up the sand with some water letting the gold appear as you move the sand in the pan.

Ethan needed more support than Little E. Although she did get soaked in the process, Little E happily found lots of gold in the sand. When she has happy with the amount she collected the children exchanged the gold for medals.

Panning for gold costs £3.00 per person. Each participant receives a medal for collecting gold no matter how much they find.

DISCLOSURE – We received tickets to Lost World Adventure Golf as a gift. This was for the purposes of this post. We always share our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences.