With schools closing and home schooling on our agenda for the foreseeable future, Learning Resources wanted to offer us some help. They made us aware of the amazing Home Learning Resources they have put online for FREE. Whilst also offering to send us some educational games to review. They sent us Sight Word Swat and a Money Activity Set.
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Sight Word Swat!
Sight Word Swat is a high-frequency word game. Playing this game will help children to learn these words and become familiar with them. Which in turn will help a child become more fluent with their reading.

What Will You Find In The Box?
- 4 Plastic Swatters
- 150 Double-sided flies featuring 300 sight words as recommended by the government Letters and Sounds programme.
Setting Up Sight Word Swat!
The flies are colour-coded by phase from the Letters and Sounds programme:
- Orange flies are phase 2
- Violet flies are phase 3
- Green flies are phase 4
- Purple flies are phase 5
- Red flies are phase 6
Some of the flies contain ‘tricky’ words. These are words that can’t be phonetically decoded.

To play the game select the colour of flies that your child is working within. Layout the chosen flies so that all the players can see them clearly.
Playing The Game
The object of the game is to collect the most flies after all the sight words have been called out.
I called out the words on the flies whilst the children raced to swat them. Whoever is the first to swat the correct fly keeps it.

I continued to call out the sight words until all the flies were collected. Whoever had the most flies won the game.
The children really enjoy playing this game together. They have played it countless times now. Both together and with just one of us. They enjoy racing to swat the flies.
What Do I Love About Sight Word Swat?
I love that this game reinforces sight-word reading. I was amazed at how many words that Little E can actually read by sight. It is great that this game changes with your child’s reading ability. We were able to adapt it to Ethan’s needs and make the game suitable for both of our siblings to play together.

The game also includes alternative play ideas. Giving you the chance to change the game up and bit and keeping the children’s interest. This game will really be a great tool in the children’s reading journey.
DISCLOSURE – We received Sight Word Swat as a gift. This was for the purposes of this post. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences of the products.