This week our word of the week has to be
as everyone has gone back to their day-to-day routine.
Ethan went back to school on Tuesday and with Darren being at home that day his return was quite easy. I was on my own this morning and it was a totally different story. I think he has started to protest with me just because I am mum, it is clear that he still enjoys school. Little E also returned to nursery this week. She was happy to be back having fun with her little friends.
I was back to juggling my work around the family which meant Darren was back to running the house for me. This week has really flown by so there isn’t too much to report. They do say no news is good news!
Ahh! No news is good news….
hehehe! Ethan is a little monkey protesting at going to school. I hope things settle down soon x
Ah its great to get back into a routine again isnt it, I have loved Easter and look forward to our next break but love getting back to normal for a while x
Yes, no news is good news! Sounds like you’re all back into the swing of things again x Thanks for sharing with #WotW