This week, like last, took another unexpected turn as Ethan became poorly on Monday night.

He hasn’t been sleeping that well. That is the norm in our house to have disturbed sleep but since the end of the Christmas holidays, Ethan has been wanting our company before 9 pm. On Monday night Ethan was up again at 8.30pm complaining of a headache. We settled him back down but before 10 pm he was awake again and this time he was sick.
Worried about Little E’s school run I quickly called my mum to ask if she could help us in the morning. I didn’t know how long Ethan’s sickness would be with us. She agreed to come over in the morning to take her to school. Thankfully Ethan just had one bout of sickness. He wanted to eat everything in sight the next day.
As Ethan is unable to tell us what was wrong we have to do a lot of guess work with him. Because he mentioned a headache to me I can only assume that his sickness was caused by a possible migraine. He still had to have the 48 hours off of school. This meant I had Ethan’s company on Tuesday and Wednesday.
On Wednesday we did go for a little mother and son treat. We went for a McDonald’s breakfast. Ethan had been asking why people go into McDonald’s early so I took him for pancakes. He was very confused why there wasn’t any happy meals. We had an enjoyable breakfast together.
Little E has had a good week. I think she quite enjoyed walking nanny to school on Tuesday. She also enjoyed showing her brother her school on Wednesday morning. On Thursday she had Superhero day at school. She actually agreed to dress up for this. Her Wonder Woman costume stayed on all day.
Even though this week was also unexpected in its own way and Ethan was poorly it was a very good week. I didn’t get anything I wanted to do done as I had Ethan home with me. But I enjoyed my extra Ethan time. I do think he was quite glad to go back to school on Thursday though.
Glad to hear Ethan is feeling better, thankfully it wasn’t a full on sickness bug those are the worst. It sounds like Little E has had a great week at school too. #wotw
Poor Ethan, I’m glad he’s feeling better now though. I remember taking Star into Mc Donalds for breakfast once, she was not impressed and we had to leave and come back when Happy Meals were on the menu. She’s too old for Happy Meals now. Thanks for linking up to #wotw
Aww! Poor Ethan! Migraines are no fun at all especially not in kids. It sounds like you had some lovely time with your boy x
Poor Ethan. Although it does sound like you had some well spent time together. You are so lucky that you have your mum nearby to help out. Glad Miss E enjoyed her superhero day. Hope next week is better. #wotw