After the highs of August and the amazing Disney Cruise, September 2019 was a hard month for us as a family. In turn, it was also hard for our siblings.
I was expecting the return to school to be interesting. Little E struggled last year which made me think she might have a little wobble. We have had a few tearful moments but I have managed to talk her around. The year one day is very different and she has found them tiring. Overall I think she is enjoying the new school year.
Ethan was going back to the same class as last year. He would have a new teacher but it was a teacher he knows very well. I wasn’t expecting him to find this year hard but he has. He is very anxious and his terrible throwing habit has returned. It is in the form of slapping this time but he is acting in the same way. It has put us all on edge and the school is hoping to send him for some sensory assessments. We are playing a waiting game in all areas. We really hope Ethan settles soon and this slapping stops!
September 2019 has been a quiet month for our siblings in terms of activities. At the start of the month, they did attend a Pizza Express pizza making

We were also invited to Rollerbowl Romford for a family game of bowling and a meal in their diner. I had forgotten how much fun bowling was and the children really enjoyed it. They even beat us and both got half strikes.

They had fun in the arcade after and played a game together. It got me thinking that we need a trip to the seaside that includes a visit to the arcades.

We have some adventures planned for the October half-term. I really hope that Ethan is calm then as it could be interesting otherwise!