This month I really feel like things are starting to settle down with Little E. During November 2014 it feels like we are getting into a bit of a routine. Little E is going for longer between feeds. Meaning it is getting easier for us to do things together as a family. We were able to go for a Halloween walk at our local Country Park. We also watched the fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night as a family of four.

Ethan has got over his issues with Little E and he is all over her again. This means we are back to making sure she is safe around him. He gets very excited around her and is dancing for her. This is turn, turns to running around in circles around her play mat. I think she is amazing to put up with his constant affections, but let’s be honest she hasn’t really got a choice at the moment. I’m expecting her to give him a quick kick when she is able to.

I looked back at our sibling’s posts so far and Little E is really filling out now. I feel like she is at the proper baby stage now. Her expressions are changing and she doesn’t look constantly surprised anymore. Ethan has also had a haircut, this was Darren’s decision and it made me quite sad. Having shorter hair really makes him look grown up! Quite a lot of change for our siblings during November 2014.

Aww! Beautiful photos!
You’re right! Ethan does look so grown up with his new haircut. x
Sad isn’t it :0(
They look so sweet! We do want them to get on, but yes, when they’re little, too much affection and grabbing can also be dangerous!
Yes, he does get a little excited around her at times!
Beautiful photos. They look so similar this month and Ethan really does look very grown up. I am glad things are getting easier. It won’t be long until they are both running around together keeping you on your toes!
I can’t wait for them to be able to run around together. It will be madness I’m sure ;0)
Gorgeous photos, especially the last one. Glad to hear that Ethan is doing so well with being a big brother and Little E is tolerating all the affection so well! They certainly look happy together in the photos. 🙂
I think she is being amazing with him, and she always smiles at him!
These are lovely photos! Glad to read Ethan is enjoying the role of big brother again!
Thank you, yes I did get a little worried about it. Glad we are back on track x
goodness they both look like they’ve grown loads since last month; and both of their expressions are brilliant; they do look so happy together!
I did think that this month, she has really filled out. His haircut has turned him into a little boy, not my baby anymore :0(
Awww, they look so different from last months. And that last photo is just so incredibly adorable. x
Beautiful shots of the two of them together and so glad to hear they are doing well, she really is getting big! Ethan does look so grown up with his hair, it’s funny, whenever we cut Monkey’s hair he looks younger somehow than when it is longer! xx