I’m losing track of dates, days and where we are in our virus journey. It’s not because time is passing quickly. I think I’m not counting the days. Not keeping track is helping. There are so many things that I could write about the virus and us but I think the biggest update is the furlough.

Darren went back to work after his non-Disney trip week off. His bosses contacted him on the last day of his holiday. He had to agree that, because of the virus, his hours and shift could change at very short notice. The company also had to start considering the furlough scheme. They were asking the was if there was any medical reason for them to be on furlough.
As a family, we had discussed this option as we thought it might be on the cards. Darren’s biggest worry was about me having to juggle both children by keeping them entertained and learning. My work and all of us having very little sleep because of Ethan’s lack of routine and not being able to get out and burn off energy. After taking this all into consideration Darren made his firm aware of Ethan’s needs and how it is impacting our family at this time.
Darren returned to work and could already see how the shift patterns were changing. Many of his colleagues had made the move to furlough. He thought that he was one of the staff that would need to continue working. On the Friday of that week, Darren was asked to start work ay 9.00 am. At ten past nine, he called me to say he was on the way home. He has been but on furlough for a minimum of three weeks. He will be given five days’ notice when he has to return to work. Fingers crossed.
I cried at this news. I put the crying down to relief. Relief that Darren will be here to help me. Relief that I won’t be adulating on my own. There is also the relief that he could now limit his social contact with strangers even more. There is also the worry about what will happen next.
So for the last week Darren has been here. Managing the children whilst I work. Keeping Ethan calm through the nights. Being a teacher to Little E and making sure we all get out for some fresh air and exercise. We have a new ‘virus’ routine in place. We are going a little stir crazy but we are staying in and social distancing as per the government guidelines.
A few weeks ago my fella was furloughed from work and it was such a relief. I am so glad he’s home. We’re taking a hit with the wages he will be paid but I think it’s worth it knowing we’re keeping ourselves a little safer. Take care x