The Shortbreaks for Disabled Children service were hosting an Aladdin Relaxed Performance at The Mercury Theatre in Colchester. They sent Ethan an invite to the pantomime at the start of January 2022. Ethan loves shows but as we got the invite at short notice Darren wouldn’t be able to go. So I made the decision to take both children to the pantomime by myself. This was a first for me and something I have never been able to do. So visiting this pantomime was going to be a big thing for the children and me.

Watching The Aladdin Relaxed Performance
We have visited the Mercury Theatre a few times in the past. I once took Ethan there to watch the relaxed performance of James and the Giant Peach. Little E also danced on stage there during her first-ever ballet show. Since then Mercury Theatre has undergone a big renovation. Updating the available facilities including the dining and bar options. As far as I’m aware the actual theatre didn’t have any work done to it. So from memory, I knew that no matter where we sat the children would have a great view.

As it was a relaxed performance the cast did a little introduction before the start of the show. Introducing characters, making the audience aware of any loud noises or any potential scary moments. There was also someone signing this performance making it inclusive to any deaf members of the audience. The cast also talked to this lady throughout the performance at points including her in the show.

This was Little E’s first-ever pantomime experience. We have taken Ethan to pantomimes in the past but the pandemic put a stop to our trips these past few years. Meaning that just when we thought Little E would be old enough to go everything had to close. She had come with us to see the Lion King and Frozen but she did find these performances quite long. I did worry if she would have the same issue with a pantomime. But she loved it. I think the fact that it was full of pop songs helped. Not forgetting that pantomimes have light-hearted moments in them too.

Ethan is turning into my theatre buddy. I hope in the future we will be taking trips to London West End shows together. He absolutely loves live shows. He is mesmerised by the music and claps and cheers at all the right parts. Gone are the days when he would want to wander around or flip his seat. Flicking through the programme and rubbing his feat help to keep him in place in his seat. He loved every minute of the performance.
The Mercury Theatre company really do know how to put on a good show. They have amazing costumes and sets. The actors were fantastic and the use of rock music really was a highlight. Alladin wanted to be the king of rock. It was funny for adults and children alike. Little E even asked me at points what did I find so funny. I’m so glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to take the children to the pantomime. I’m hoping we can return to Mercury Theatre to watch the pantomime as a family this coming Christmas.