In December 2016 a local Aldi was built near us and we discovered Pre-Built Gingerbread Houses. They were a perfect Christmas activity for Ethan. His motor skills always made the other gingerbread kits a stressful experience. This past Christmas they had the Pre-Built Gingerbread Houses in stock again. We decided to buy two and the children decorated them on Christmas Eve.
It’s amazing to see how far both of the children’s development has come on over the past year. They both needed help to start the icing but they were both happy to left alone to decorate their gingerbread house.
I loved seeing Ethan’s concentration. In the past it would be a fight to stop him eating the sweet decorations. He happily placed them on his gingerbread house. Granted not all of them made it onto his house but some are better than none!
Little E loved decorating her gingerbread house. Always independent she didn’t want or need any help from us. There were some battles over the decorations at times. This was because Ethan was a little quicker and needing them for his house and also eating a few along the way. She joined him in the end and more smarties were eaten than added to the houses.
The children had lots of fun decorating their gingerbread houses. They were left out for Father Christmas to view when he visited our house on Christmas Eve.
I do love the Pre-Built Gingerbread Houses they really do take the stress out of this fun Christmas activity. When putting together gingerbread houses in the past Ethan would get very distressed when houses fell apart. This normally happened whenever we tried to put the roof on the gingerbread houses. I hope Aldi stock these houses again this Christmas as the children really did enjoy this activity.