Every year the month of February always feels like it is full of illness in our house. This year for the four weeks before our February half term I had a child off ill at home with me. It started off with Ethan and what I can only think was sickness because of a migraine. Then Little E caught a viral infection from Darren and it knocked her for six for three weeks. She has had a total of five sick days in the end and still isn’t 100%. This also meant that I didn’t really take any photos of my children during this time. Or even get the time to blog about family things.
I was looking forward to the February half term as it was the first time in a year that Darren was able the have any time off during a school holiday.
Our half term started off slow as Ethan had two respite days at school. This gave me time with Little E to record some toy reviews. She had lots of dolls to review including Off The Hook and Boxy Girls. She was very excited about
On Wednesday we were ready to get out and about as a family. Our first adventure took us to Diggerland in Kent. This was our third visit but the second visit for Little E. This time we got to experience different things and I think Little E being that much older made such a difference.

This photo of Ethan was taken on our visit to Diggerland. They have a Little Tikes area which has been updated since our previous visit. Ethan loves the Little Tikes houses. He loves the doors and the windows which this photo shows. It is such a shame that height
On Thursday we visited London. I wanted to show the children my office so that they know who I’m talking to for my work. I also booked us a table at the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. We have been to the Rainforest Cafe in Paris and Ethan has been to the one in Orlando with us. We have never taken the children to the one in London. Our London day trip finished with another visit to Shreks Adventure.

This photo of Little E was taken at the Rainforest Cafe. She was very interested in her
Our February half term ended with down days. Used to get ready for the week ahead. I’m left with lots of footage to edit and blog posts to write but we had lots of fun. We are back to our routine again today but in six weeks time, we have more family time together.
You did so many things during the half term. I’m sure it was amazing.
I love Ethan’s name!
I wish we had more down time in our half term – I always end up planning far too much! We’re going to Diggerland in April and I can’t wait, we haven’t been before x