Looking back at 2020 will bring some very mixed emotions. We started the year on quite a high. With a year full of amazing adventures in 2019 under our belt. January started with a magical Christmas inspired trip to Disneyland Paris. We had other trips planned too and we were going to go on some exciting adventures. The virus hitting made us naturally slow down. We have been learning to love our local area again. There have been scooter walks and bike rides. But what we really love is that we are getting the chance to feed the ducks again.

Going to feed the ducks was always a highlight for Ethan when he was little. It was something we had to work on. Ethan didn’t understand how to use his hands to throw the bread. Like everything he gained this skill slowly and surely. Saying hello to the ducks at Center Parcs was also a big achievement for Ethan in his ongoing communication journey.

Sadly our duck feeding trips had to come to an end when Little E was a toddler. She loved going for walks to feed the ducks too but Ethan would get very excited. An excited Ethan is a very jumpy and flappy experience. In his excited state, all of his awareness of danger goes out of the window. Looking after two very excited children with no fear of falling in the river became too much of a worry for us. It was easier for our trips to the ducks to come to an end.

At the moment Darren has more time on his hands because of being on furlough. Needing to get the children out and about he decided to take them to feed the ducks. It is clear that Ethan now understands the words “don’t go near the edge”. He listens and responds when we say it. Being older Little E is now listening more and the trips to see the ducks this past month have been a very different experience.

At times living through this virus has been hard and very different. But it has given us the time to appreciate the little things again.