Guilt free drinking with alcohol-free beer, Scots know how

Around the festive season, it’s not uncommon to give in to temptation.

That glass of sherry left out for Father Christmas, the mulled wine that runs free and plentiful at every ye olde Christmas Fayre.

For the past year, in Scotland, beer drinkers have been paving the way with one particular tipple.

But it’s not the kind of drink you’d have to give up for lent.

Following the results of a survey, it has been revealed that 48% of Scottish adults are now drinking alcohol-free beers like AB InBev’s Beck’s Blue.

There have been many attempts over the years to curb the nation’s excesses – non-alcoholic beer manufacturers Kaliber employed the talents of family name and Scottish comedian Billy Connolly to advertise their wares – but it never really caught on.

So why, only this year, are we seeing a 10% rise of shop sales of alcohol free beer?
Ordering alcohol-free is no longer a party sin, or so it seems.

Studies reveal that 49% of you are now saying so, and with an 8% growth in the industry, it looks like this tipple may be for life, not just for Christmas.

So the chill is off on alcohol-free and the Scottish people are feeling the benefit.

These are tidings that will be gladdest for designated drivers everywhere as 59% of us now feel good about buying alcohol-free beer in pubs and clubs, even in the presence of friends.

A spokesperson for the brewery has noted the new Scottish taste for their wares, commenting:

‘It is encouraging to see so many Scottish customers choosing to try alcohol-free beer. Offering consumers choice is an important part of our commitment to responsible drinking and we are proud to brew Beck’s Blue’.
DISCLOSURE – We received compensation for the purposes of this blog post.

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