Halloween wasn’t a holiday we really celebrated when I grew up, it started to become more popular when I was a teenager and I did actually go trick or treating once or twice with my high school friends. It is a holiday I want to embrace with Ethan and I’m already thinking about what we can do to this year to celebrate Halloween and which fancy dress costume he can wear.
We have celebrated in some ways over the past two years.
In 2012 we were very lucky to be in Florida and were able to attend Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.
Ethan was dressed as Buzz Lightyear…
we did some trick or treating as well as being able to ride his favourite ride in his costume.

Last year we thought we would introduce Ethan to carving pumpkins. This was something we hadn’t done ourselves so it was a first for all of us.
Carving pumpkins also introduced us to another of Ethan’s firsts. He showed as that he could blow out candles, something he could never do before! To celebrate this achievement we even had an unbirthday cake a few days later, as you can imagine his birthday cake this year was also quite a big milestone for us!