Happy Birthday Little E, I can’t believe you are three today. We celebrated your birthday on Sunday as Daddy was at work this morning. You opened your cards and presents this afternoon when Ethan came home from school.
This morning I showed you your baby photos. You told me they were Ethan at first and you were Ethan’s double. For me looking at those photos it felt like a lifetime ago but it’s only been a few short years. It took me a while to get my head around that we had been blessed with a little girl. I always wanted a daughter and I never believed them when they told me you were indeed a little girl.
I have missed doing your monthly updates this year but you really keep us on our toes that I just can’t keep up! This year your speech has really come on. You started nursery with quite a few words but now you have full descriptive sentences. You talk from the moment you get up until the minute you go to bed. You haven’t started asking me any why questions yet you mostly just like to chat to us about the world around you. When you aren’t talking you are singing. It’s not surprising really as the first thing you did was vocalise Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
You love being outside and you are very active. You love pony’s, not helped by me I’m sure, and you loved your first real pony ride. You are your happiest running around with your brother and this year you have been able to keep up with him more.
Your brother has also passed on his love of numbers and letters to you. You can recognize quite a few letters and numbers without any help from us. You also know your shapes and have pointed out shapes to me that I wouldn’t expect you to know the names of. You also love to draw and always draw faces.
You don’t really like to dress up, I think it’s a fear of the unknown, but I’m working on that.
You really want to be independent and you hate it when we try to help you in any way. You know what you want and you are very strong-willed. You have a confidence about you that I love and I really hope you don’t lose that. I say that you are the perfect match for Ethan but I have a feeling you will give me a run for my money.
You complete our family Little E and have made the past few years very interesting. I’m looking forward to what the next year will bring for you and us.
Happy birthday gorgeous girl. xx
Bless her heart, I can’t believe those 3 years have gone so fast.