The Irish Fairy Door Company have created an Interactive Worry Plaque. Their aim is to reduce children’s worries, fears and anxieties in a visual way.
Being that children with autism can suffer from terrible anxieties The Irish Fairy Door Company asked us if we would like to put the Worry Plaque to the test. The worry plaque is very visual and they are hoping that this will be perfect for children on the autism spectrum.
What Does The Irish Fairy Door Company Say?
The Worry Plaque has been designed to help children with any worries or anxiety they might be feeling and try to give them a sense of relief. The idea is to give your worries to the fairies with this interactive Worry Plaque! Fairy magic can take your worries from you with just one touch, leaving you worry-free.The plaque glows red when you place your hand on it and think of your worry. When the fairies have heard it, the plaque glows green, signifying your worries have transferred to the fairies successfully.
How Does The Interactive Worry Plaque Work
As much as I would like to tell you that we have fairies living in our home the worry plaque requires a little help. Batteries are required for the magic to work, these aren’t supplied.
With the batteries inserted the worry plaque activates when your hand is placed into the hand shaped indent. You do have to make sure your hand is placed at the base of the indent for the red light to activate. You also have to leave your hand in that position for a few moments for the light to turn to green.
My Thoughts Of The Interactive Worry Plaque
I think this is a brilliant idea to help children with their worries. When I was younger I remember having worry dolls and I can still remember using them. I do feel that for this to really work your child needs to be a true believer in fairies. This might mean that it is best for younger children.
For a child with autism I feel they do need to have the understanding for the concept to really work. I’m not really sure that Ethan is really at a level to understand what the worry plaque is doing. He loved the visual side of it and was happy to see the light turn from red to green.
Little E’s Verdict
Little E is three and I know she has worry and anxiety about different things. She isn’t really in a place where we can really talk about her concerns yet. I showed her the online videos that are on The Irish Fairy Door Company’s website to accompany the worry plaque. I think this helped her understand the concept a little.
She has taken to the worry plaque and actually carries it around the house with her. She talks to it and tells me she is talking to the fairies. I think if she was a little bit older she might have the understanding to use it for it’s intended purpose.
Ethan’s Verdict
Ethan didn’t understand the concept of worries but we haven’t reached a place in his development where we can talk about his worries. He did love the visual colours of the worry plaque which is very positive. I think when Ethan’s understanding and communication have improved the visual side of the worry plaque will be a big help.
In the below video I unbox the Worry Plaque and also capture the children’s first reactions.