During September 2020 our sibling’s life started to resemble a bit of normality. Well, the new normal! Our siblings returned to school before the summer holidays so the new-look school was already part of their routine. In September everyone came back to school so they got to see their friends again.

Ethan returned back to the same class he was in before lockdown. This is because he is in year six and his class still suits his ability perfectly. I’m so glad that he didn’t have to move up to high school this year as that would have unlocked so many other issues for him.

I think Little E’s school had an amazing way of returning back to school and moving up into the next school year. She returned to her year one class. Letting the children be familiar with the way the school now runs in their old classes. They didn’t have their year one teacher as she was a maternity cover last year. Two weeks into the new term the school then all moved up to their new school years and new classes.

I’m glad to say that both children returned to school really well. Little E was very nervous to move up to year two and there were are few tears but she is doing really well.

Little E’s ballet classes started again in August but her normal class continued at the start of September. Ethan’s swimming club was also able to start at the beginning of September. Little E’s swimming lessons quickly followed. All of these activities follow social distancing and very different from how they used to be. Our siblings are quickly adapting to their new normal.
We didn’t really go on many adventures during September 2020. To be honest I needed the weekend downtime. We did however visit our first soft play since lockdown. We were asked to review 360 Play in Basildon. Our siblings had a fantastic time and we will be booking a return visit to soft play again soon. We have also been going for walks at the seaside. Ethan loves the beach and sometimes a visit to the sea is all you need!