We have never really celebrated Halloween before as we have felt Ethan wasn’t ready. We did attend Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party last year which was lots of fun. I love how Halloween is celebrated in America and it was great to experience it. I really hope we get to attend this party again in the future. I’m so glad we are starting to celebrate Halloween more in England. We decided that for Halloween 2013 we would start a new family tradition and carve pumpkins. This is something that neither me or Darren have ever done before, so a first for all of us.
We won’t be taking Ethan trick or treating this year. Due to his understanding, we aren’t sure if this is a life skill we should really be teaching him. I also have no idea if it is something that the children do in our area. We do have treats ready if children come knocking on our door.
Our Halloween 2013 Pumpkins
As pumpkin carving is something we have never done before we started by introducing Ethan to the pumpkins. I’m surprised he was able to lift it. The pumpkins looked so big compared to him!

Darren was our nominated pumpkin carver. He started by cutting off the top of the pumpkin and emptying its contents. He did have a little help from Ethan.

I then marked on the pumpkin’s features with a pen and Darren cut out the pieces.

It wasn’t long before our pumpkins for Halloween for 2013 were complete. I was trying to get one of them to look like Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. Darren doesn’t quite see it!

Not bad for our first attempt I think.
We have a long way to go before our pumpkins look anything like the ones we saw at the Animal Kingdom Lodge last year!