Saying Goodbye to 2016


In a few short hours 2016 will come to an end and we will welcome in 2017. I would love to say we are welcoming in the new year with bang, but with Darren working it will just be a normal night here with a much-needed early night for us both.

I must admit I’m glad to be saying goodbye to 2016. It hasn’t been a year of family disasters or anything but it has been a year I have struggled with. Since I have had my children my own mortality has been in the forefront of my mind. I’m not sure if it’s a mum thing or a special needs mum thing, but it is something that has caused me great anxiety this year. I also think watching Little E’s development over the past few years has taken its toll. Little E is also a very active toddler, so with Ethan’s non sleeping and our little lady keeping us on our toes its been a tiring year. I’m sure this has reflected in my blogging as I wasn’t able to keep up with Project 365 and my Word of the Week posts have been few and far between.

With how negative that sounds and how much I worried about not keeping on top of our blog, this year has been a great year for family time. 2016 was our year for visiting Center Parcs. We celebrated Darren’s 40th with a spa break. Visited with our friends in May and just a few weekends ago visited the Winter Wonderland. All of these still need to be blogged about and I will get there at some point.

2016 was also our year for spending time at the beach. We celebrated both Ethan’s and Little E’s birthday there enjoying time at the beach hut.

We also managed to handle the summer holidays much better than last year. With a mix of respite days, days off from work and sleepover’s at nanny’s we got through it. It was of course very tiring but everyone was happy.

Ethan has also made so much progress this year, he has really made us proud. Little E has also changed so much. She is far from being my baby girl and in her own words she is a ‘Little Girl’.

So as much as I’m glad to be saying goodbye to 2016 and hoping that 2017 can be a year that I focus on myself and my family. 2016 has been a year filled with making memories.

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