When booking our Winter Wonderland stay at Center Parcs I knew that the children would be able to visit Santa. What I never knew was that the children would be able to send a letter to Santa. Not only that they would also receive a reply. Upon arrival at the check-in lodge we were given our holiday information pack. As well as all the information about Elveden Forest, the pack also had two letters that we could send to Santa. In this post we share with you how easy sending a letter to Santa is when staying at Center Parcs.

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Sending a Letter to Santa
The letters to Santa given to you when you check in are pre-written. There are spaces left blank for you to fill in as well as full instructions on sending a letter to Santa.

On the letter you fill in the children’s names, ages, and who they are visiting Center Parcs with. There is also space to fill in what the children want for Christmas. Also what they will leave out for Santa when he visits your home on Christmas Eve. It also asks you to include the lodge number you are staying in.

When our letters were ready it was time to post them in Santa’s post box. The information on the letter tells you when and where your letter to Santa needs to be posted. As we were visiting on a weekend our letter had to be posted by 5 pm on Saturday.

On Sunday morning when we left our lodge, we discovered that the children had been left a reply from Santa. The letters were hanging on the handle of the front door of our lodge.

The letters included the personal information we had written in our letters to Santa. It was such a lovely addition to our Winter Wonderland stay. Something so small, that probably takes quite some time for someone to organise. It really does add to the magic of Christmas for the children.

We love sharing our travel adventures on our blog. Make sure you visit our Travel Trips and Experiences post to read all about them.