It is April 2016 and we are late again with this month’s sibling’s photos. I’m trying to take photos of our siblings whilst out and about. Our plan was to take our photos last Sunday but after dropping her nap in the week Little E decided to sleep for three hours. This meant that we had to cancel our plans.
After all of the rain that last week brought with it, we finally got out yesterday to capture our photo.

We are working on capturing our siblings but we really have to be quick. Little E was far more interested in the sea and didn’t want to sit still. She ran off to the sea as soon as Darren let go of her hand. Thank goodness for the quick settings on my camera.
This month our siblings got to spend extra time together because of the Easter holidays. I was so looking forward to taking them out together but I was hit by the flu. We spent nearly all of the school holiday indoors.
Ethan found this forced confinement hard. Getting out is how we normally minimize his reaction to missing his normal school routine. He did enjoy his time with Little E. They are starting to play nicely together in their own way. Ethan does have to learn when she has had enough of his games. There were a few tears because of this but there was much more laughter.
Ethan had two respite days over the Easter holidays. Meaning we got to spend some alone time with Little E and took her out to lunch. This showed us just how important these respite days are for us. I think she really enjoyed this one to one time.
Little E also started nursery this month. She only attends one afternoon a week but we can tell she absolutely loved her time there. We are hoping this time will help Little E learn how to engage with her peers. A relationship with Ethan can be quite an intense experience.
So April 2016 didn’t go quite how we had planned. Hopefully, next month will be better as we will be celebrating our little superstar turning six!
Hope you are feeling better now!! Sounds like they are both doing really well, and growing up so fast!