In August 2017 our siblings have been enjoying each other’s company during the school holidays. I would like to say it has been plain sailing but there have been moments of tension. I think this is inevitable in any family when the routine of school ends.

The start of our summer holidays has mostly consisted of respite days for Ethan. Around Darren’s shift, we have fitted in seeing family and friends. I have also had the help of a babysitter so that I have been able to take the children to soft play on some of Darren’s working days. It has worked well but we have still felt drained because of our lack of sleep.
Darren is now on holiday from work and we hope to take the children out and about. We haven’t got any big plans for August 2017 but just getting them out of the house means we have quality time together. There are no work distractions for me and it gets us off of the sofa and away from the iPad’s.

Ethan really does have a shadow now in the shape of Little E. She watches everything he does and copies his every move. The main difference is she wants to learn how to do everything herself. So she is attempting things that Ethan wasn’t able to do at her age. We are learning that we have to just let her get on with it.

I think they have enjoyed each other’s company but we do have to referee when Ethan decides to get boisterous. Little E can give as good as she gets too. We have to keep an eye on them at all times which doesn’t help with feeling drained.

Ethan’s speech has really come on during the holiday. He is pushing himself with words and I’m sure he is using more sentences. There is still babbling being used and there are times when both of the children babble. What I have found interesting is that Little E has been able to understand Ethan when he has been babbling. Ethan’s conversation skills are very limited but there have been instructions and responses between them. I do wonder if perhaps Little E can read between the lines when it comes to her brother.
Even though I have found this holiday hard, let’s face it all school holidays are hard. I’m feeling optimistic that with Darren being around we are going to enjoy the last few weeks of the summer holidays.