Our siblings have had a very busy February 2020. We have had some great family days out which included two trips to London. We visited the London Transport Museum, Barleylands Farm Park and we went to see Andy and the Band which included a live performance on CBBC. This is what our siblings got up to in February 2020.

Ethan has had a very good February. He is a lot calmer at the moment which has made family life easier. He has really enjoyed our trips out this month. There have been some great highlights this month for Ethan as he dressed up and the London Transport Museum and drove the little cars without our support at the Barleylands Speedway.

Ethan also had a positive experience at the dentist this month. For the first time ever the dentist got to look in Ethan’s mouth. I have no idea if he will ever get the chance again, but at least this time he actually got to officially count Ethan’s teeth.

Little E’s February was full of illness and she missed quite a few days off of school. The first few days off were because of high temperature. This passed but she still wasn’t 100%. She ended up being sent home from school and a trip to the doctors discovered that it was tonsillitis

February also brought with it a new milestone for Little E as she lost her very first baby tooth. I found this quite upsetting but she loved her first visit from the tooth fairy and was very excited about it all.

Little E has enjoyed our trips this month too. She loved feeding all the different animals at Barleylands Farm. Feeding the lambs were a real highlight for all of us to see. She has struggled with the return to school. I don’t know if there is something deeper at the heart of this upset or if she has just enjoyed our company this month.