It’s the last few days of July and the summer holidays have well and truly started. For our siblings, July 2019 has been a busy month. It started off with a trip to Drayton Manor to watch the premiere of Thomas and Friends Digs & Discoveries. They didn’t know about our visit as we surprised them with it. We also surprised them by booking a Thomas and Friends themed room at the Drayton Manor Hotel. We had a great weekend and apparently Little E didn’t stop talking about it at school.

Darren’s shifts at work and our busy weekends have prevented us from using our Colchester Zoo passes. We like to visit early on a Sunday morning before it gets busy and we finally had the chance. Little E requested that we feed the Lorikeets and we also fed the goats. We had a lovely time at the zoo and I hope we can get more use out of our passes over the next six months.

The end of the school year brings with it a busy month. With two children at different schools, it can get very interesting. Thankfully none of their events clashed and I was able to attend every event that I needed to.

Little E had a sporty morning and Ethan had a sports day. Both children had open evenings and we toured Little E’s new class and met her new teacher. Ethan is staying in the same class next year. We also already know his year five teacher which is nice. They both brought home school reports. Ethan’s was a fantastic improvement on last year. Little E’s was positive and she had to fill in a comment sheet about it. This year Little E said goodbye to her reception class and Ethan said goodbye to year four.

July 2019 has been a good month for our siblings. I’m hoping they both enjoy the summer holidays. Ethan normally finds a lack of routine hard. We have a surprise adventure planned at the end of the month. I’m looking forward to having a family break together. Hopefully, it will all go to plan!