Little E
Word Of The Week – MMR
This week my word of the week is It was time for Little E to have her MMR. To be honest it was the third time I had booked the appointment as I cancelled it the first two times. Let me start by saying I DO NOT believe that the MMR brought on Ethan’s autism.
Sibling Interaction and Autism
When Ethan was diagnosed with autism the thought of having another child was the furthest thought from our minds. We were scared that another child would mean another diagnosis as there is a one in five chance that another child would also be on the spectrum. It took time but we always saw ourselves as
First Paddle In The Sea
When Ethan is at school I take Little E to different baby groups and we get out of the house most mornings. Now that Darren works a shift we have more freedom on the days he is at home and he kept saying that he wanted to go to the beach for a walk. A