Last year we were asked if we would like to visit Diggerland Kent so that we could review our day out. We left Little E with her grandparents as being one we didn’t think there would be much for her to do there. This year Diggerland has partnered with Little Tikes to create a Wheelz Play Zone and we were invited back again to review the new area. This meant we would be able to share our experience of taking a toddler to

We are lucky as Little E is quite tall for her age. This means she could go on anything at Diggerland for children over 90 cm’s in height. There is a sign in the entrance that lists the height restrictions for each ride. These can also be found on the Diggerland website.

We spent over four hours at Diggerland Kent and Little E was able to experience the Robots, Dig-a-Round,

Children can ride in the Robots if they are over 90 cm’s and accompanied by an adult. I took Little E on this and she was very happy sitting on my lap. I was surprised that she wanted to know how it worked. She even reached for the joystick control. She loved driving through the muddy puddles too!

Children can ride on the Dumper Trucks if they are over 90 cm’s and accompanied by an adult. Darren took Little E on these and she loved turning the steering wheel with her Daddy.

The Dig-a-Round ride is for children over 80 cms. I wasn’t sure if I was going to let Little E on this one but she was adamant that she wanted to go on with her brother. Little E isn’t a thrill seeker like her brother. I was worried about how she would handle this ride. She actually did really well. We nearly did have some tears when it started to go backward but she managed to compose herself.

Little E was also very happy playing in the new Little Tikes Play Zone which created the perfect spot for our lunch break. There is also a soft play area that both children loved and would easily spend hours in.

There was so much more that Little E could go on but certain attractions weren’t right for Ethan. For example, she could have gone on the Buried Treasure attraction but Ethan is happier when he is kept moving. There was also rides that Ethan could go on and she wasn’t tall enough but we don’t think it
You can watch our full visit in the vlog below
Our verdict of taking a toddler to Diggerland
Little E being quite tall really was an advantage as it meant that she could go on quite a few of the attractions. From 80 cm’s children can start to enjoy the attractions at Diggerland. If you have a younger child that would really want to ride the diggers waiting for them to reach that height would be to your advantage. Saying that Little E really did enjoy playing at the Little Tikes area and in the soft play. The next day the first thing she asked about was her playground, meaning the Little Tikes area. I think Darren could have easily taken Ethan around the other attractions whilst we played there.
One thing that Little E wasn’t happy with was Diggerland’s mascots Duggy and Dotty. For some reason, they really scared her. She was happy if we avoided them.
We also visited Diggerland in 2019 in this post I share the 11 Things We Love About Visiting Diggerland Kent.
DISCLOSURE – We were gifted tickets to Diggerland Kent for the purposes of this post and to make our YouTube Videos. I always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs,
I’ve only heard good things bout Diggerland and I know my son would love it. We went to a nature reserve last year literally around the corner and I’ve been meaning to look it up! Thanks for reminding me. Sarah #CountryKids
My kids adored Diggerland when they were young, I never actually got to take them myself but they accompanied others there on birthday trips and came home full of it. It looks like it has continued to thrive and the introduction of Little Tikes is perfect for younger ones. We do have plenty of Little Tikes ride on things here and they are always popular. Great tips about the height restrictions on the bigger equipment and lucky little E is so tall, she looks like she is having a wonderful time up on the big diggers with Daddy.
Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids
We’ve never been but N would love all the diggers. He’s never keen on those mascot characters either. #countrykids
This looks like a great day out for the family. Our eldest had a great time on the diggers at Countryfile Live event.#CountryKids
Glad little E had such a good time and was tall enough to go on so much. We have never been but mine are probably too big now. #countrykids
This looks great – we’ve been wondering about taking our pair to Diggerland – I’m very tempted now! Thanks for the great review #countrykids