What’s The Story – Our First Dance

This is a photo of our first dance, it was the only dancing that happened at our wedding as our day ended with a fantastic event, which I will share with you in the future. 
I wanted to include the tradition of a first dance but it took a while how to work out how this would happen as we weren’t going to hire a DJ and I didn’t want to just hook up an iPod. We knew that we needed some sort of background music for our meal so we decided to hire the pianist, and at the suggestion of our wedding planner, the violinist for our pre-reception. They ended up turning into a fantastic addition to our wedding day, and were fantastic entertainment at our reception.   
We decided to have our first dance before our meal as this meant that our video man would still be present to capture the moment. It also meant that the pianist and violinist overlapped a little and they were both there to play our first dance song choice, something that we wasn’t aware would happen. 
After working out how and when the first dance would happen, we then had to pick our song. I knew I wanted it to be Disney related but my favourite film is Beauty and the Beast, and I didn’t think that the song from this film was the best choice as a first dance on your wedding day.
So after lots of discussion we settled on a song from the film Tarzan – You’ll Be In My Heart. 
All in all I feel we created a very special moment for our first dance.


4 thoughts on “What’s The Story – Our First Dance”

  1. Such a loving look in your eyes, what a wonderful photo. You did so well to have that and video footage too. A lovely idea to have your dance before the meal. Perhaps if we’d done that I wouldn’t have been mid air! I just love these posts, your wedding just sounded like it was so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with #whatsthestory

  2. What a stunning photo full of love. I’m certainly intrigued by what happened next, but the planning that went into your first dance shows just how important it was to you and it looks as though the effort paid off. Gorgeous! #WhatstheStory

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