A new linky has started over at POD Cast and you all know I’m really enjoying my linky’s so I thought I would show support and join in. This couldn’t have started at a more perfect time for me as we are heading towards quite an important date in our house, our fifth anniversary. With that in mind I have picked this photo to share with you
This time five years ago we were preparing to travel across the Atlantic to Walt Disney World for our wedding. I had managed to persuade my family to make this trip and for all of them, including Darren, it was their first time to the most magical place on earth.
This photo was taken by my mum as we were waiting to be collected to be taken to the airport, the start of our biggest adventure ever!
Wow, how exciting it that – it must have been the most amazing wedding. What an incredible thing to do. Thank you for linking up with #whatsthestory
oh my word so many cases did you have one just for the dress, great venue for a wedding
Wow, matching suitcases and everything! Hope you all had an amazing time 🙂
Phew I thought those were for just the two of you! I now want to see the wedding pictures!!!!
Great photo – must have been great getting married at Disney – what a ‘magical’ time 🙂
How lovely that your family were able to be with you on your special day. Like Sabrina I would love to see a picture of the wedding too!