This week our word of the week is
as I have been out for the count this week with Flu.
I don’t think I can remember a time when I have felt this bad. I started to feel unwell last week on my birthday and I just continued to get worse as the week went on.
I was really looking forward to Darren’s four days off and being able to get out and about with the children this week but the reality of this week has been very different. Darren spent his time off looking after me and the children and the furthest the children ventured out was to Tesco’s. They also had to take that in turns as we can only take both children out at the same time when we all go out together. Poor Little E normally got the short straw and had to stay at home as Ethan has been climbing the walls most days, and that isn’t a figure of speech!
It does actually feel like a very long week this week and I lost all track of time, well more than normal. I’m still not 100% but I feel more like I have a cold at the moment, which is so much better than feeling like I had been in a very bad fight the day before.
We actually got out of the house yesterday but it was more because we had to rather than because I felt up to it. Ethan had a respite day yesterday, which was much-needed and we went shopping as we had to return something. We even stopped and had some lunch with Little E which was a lovely treat and I think she really enjoyed it. It was nice having some time with her on her own.
I’m really hoping I feel 100% soon so that I can enjoy the rest of the Easter break and get out of the house a bit more.
Oh no, sorry to hear this. I know you were looking forward to some family time. Flu’s awful, I know. I had it several years ago now and felt terrible for a whole week. Hope you’re on the up now and you can get out and about again x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!
So sorry to hear that you have been ill over the last week – glad to hear that Darren was home though to help look after you and the children. Hope that you are now feeling better and that you can manage to enjoy the rest of the Easter break x
We had this few weeks ago and it took a toll on my son and well on me too. When he is recovering I got it so instead of me taking care of my son I am just sitting there with a high fever.
We are okay now. But I cant forget that week. I am so glad that its gone and its a term break so we can really recover.
Hope you will go back to your old self and get to enjoy the break too =)
Oh poor you. Flu (which people often confuse with a bad cold) is nothing like a bad cold and completely knocks you out doesn’t it. It’s never good timing but Easter is worse timing than ever! Hope you feel 100% soon xx
Oh no 🙁 flu is awful. I hope you feel much better now and next week will be better for you
Hope you feel better soon, but at least your OH was home to look after you. #wotw