This week was our half-term week. We didn’t have any plans so we spent our time at home. Since our move, I haven’t been able to put my mind to making any plans for us. This is partly because we still have so much we need to sort out and partly because of the cost of living crisis. A new house means new bills and until we are in a routine with those we need to watch every penny. But to be honest the food bill is what we really struggle with. We can only hope that at some point the weekly food shop costs start to go down.

Even though we stayed at home this week we did have some things to do. After Ethan’s operation last week I had to take him back to the hospital to change his bandage. I didn’t sleep the night before as I was worried about it but again Ethan was a complete superstar. He didn’t put up a fight when the nurse changed the bandage. He watched it all and even examined his finger underneath. I was worried about what his finger would look like. It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.
Both children spent one day at the new kids club we found. It was the first time Little E had been to anything like that. I was so glad that it was one they could both go to together too. Little E was able to tell me if Ethan actually enjoyed himself. She absolutely loved it and made herself a little bit ill with the excitement of it all. She had already told me she wants to go back in the Easter holidays.
We actually talked a lot about where we were this time last year. Our home for a week was Woburn Forest Center Parcs. We went with my brother and his family and Little E loved every minute of it. She asked if we could all go back. I’m not sure if it will be an option in the future which is why I’m so glad we went. So much has happened since that trip. It feels like it was a lifetime ago now.
I still worked this week but it was nice not to have to do the school runs around work. It takes the pressure off any deadlines I have. I will probably have a few days off in the next school holiday so that we can go out and about a bit more.
Sometimes it’s good to have a week at home sorting things out. I’m glad the kids enjoyed a day at the club though, it sounds fun. I agree with the price of food, I do hope costs starts getting a bit lower again, I’m hunting around for the best buys.
It’s our half term this week. Sometimes a week at home is what’s required especially if you still have stuff to sort out from the move. I’ve been to Woburn a few years ago, it’s a lovely place.
Our weekly food cost seems to be going up in price every week. Ugh! We had a week mostly at home too, we did have a shopping trip and the kids went to the cinema.
Well done Ethan, it sounds like he has been an absolute star throughout the whole ordeal with his finger.
It sounds like the kids club was a success. x