This week was all about movies. Which to be honest is how nearly all of our summer holiday weekdays will look. The children have to have movie days whilst I work at my computer.

Disney+ was our saviour during the first lockdown. The subscription service release date was on my birthday. As we had to cancel my 40th birthday celebrations my brother brought me an Amazon Firestick. At the time this was the only way we could watch Disney+. We spent many days watching Moana and all of our other Disney favourites. The summer holiday weekdays are now our Disney+ movie days. Little E does ask why we have to stay in but unfortunately, I have to work. If I didn’t work from home the children would have to go into daycare. Which would keep them more entertained. I also let her know that if I don’t work we can’t go on adventures. I try to make the summer holiday weekends fun for them so that we do make some memories. It also helps outweigh the mum guilt!
The Disney+ movies of choice are Wreck-It Ralph and Ralph Breaks the Internet. Little E has declared that these are her favourite at this time. We also get to watch Raya and the Last Dragon but the Ralph movies have to come first every day.
On Tuesday work was quiet so I was able to escape to the cinema with Little E. We went to watch The Croods 2. I love the Croods and this was a film I had on my radar for a long time. I must admit I was a little nervous about visiting the cinema. We had visited in the October half-term last year but this was our first visit with social distancing removed. People were still wearing facemasks when walking around in the cinema and the showing was quiet. So social distancing wasn’t an issue.
On Friday I had had enough of watching the same movies over and over. I offered the children a chance to order a film from Sky Store. I thought they would want to watch Peter Rabbit 2. Dora the Explorer was their chosen movie. It was actually quite good. As this was below my budget I was also able to download Sing for them. We missed recording it when it was shown on TV. It is a firm favourite. The Jungle Cruise was also released on Friday. I’m hoping that they show this if we actually make it on the Disney Crusie Seacation. But as that isn’t until the end of August I think we will pay for the Premier Access.
We do love a good movie. We’ve been watching some older films with The Little Man and he really enjoyed Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2…I didn’t think they had aged so well! The girls have recently re-watched the High School Musical films, but with their friends online so I missed out this time.