This past week felt quite busy for us, but I think that is a new normal as we juggle many activities. It possibly also felt busy as we had a few appointments this week. It was a contrast to the clam week before. This week also brought with it a few proud parent moments for us.

I have finally started taking Ethan to the football club that his school started to run this term. The first time we went Ethan loudly told me he wanted to go home. I think that was because he didn’t know any of the children there. Ethan is in a lower-ability class and the children there, I assume, are in the more mainstream classes. We did agree to stay for thirty minutes but Ethan just kicked the ball back and forth to me. Our second time Ethan agreed to stay for an hour. He still wouldn’t join in with the other children but he kicked a ball back and forth to one of the other mums. Ethan kept telling us ‘he is trying’ and ‘we are very proud’.
Ethan wants to go back so that is a good sign. It might take some time for him to decide to join in with the others but I will keep going with him until he decides he no longer wants to go. I did notice that he was very aware of the wind on the field. So he is possibly fighting a lot of sensory issues going to the football sessions. Both us and his teacher are very proud of him for trying and enjoying the sessions so far.
Ethan also had his EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) review last week. He has met some targets and we adjusted some others. They agree he is still in the right education setting for him. A special needs school was the right choice for him, I’m so glad we went that route for him as soon as he started school. We know that Ethan will work towards ASDAN qualifications in years ten and eleven. Ethan’s teacher told us in this review that Ethan could work towards an entry-level GCSE in maths and English if he carries on with his level of learning at the moment. We were never expecting news like that. We will be proud of him whatever he does but it is great to know he has the option of a GCSE if it is possible.
How lovely, I’m proud of Ethan too.
Aww! It sounds like Ethan is having fun at the football club despite his initial reluctance and well done to Ethan at school. The chance of doing some GCSE’s for him really is wonderful. x
Well done to Ethan for trying with the football sessions so far and wanting to keep going back. Amazing news that he might be able to work towards an entry-level GCSE in Maths and English. Sounds like he is doing really well in his school. #WotW