This week we have had another very normal week. It started with a few errands to run for Little E. It turns out we purchased a few pairs of shoes for her this week. This is why I choose that as my word of the week. It felt like the start of the week was all about shoes!

Last week when Little E went on her school trip her school shoes gave her blisters. We are used to Little E’s feet growing quickly so I knew the weekend would involve a shopping trip to get her feet measured. We couldn’t go shoe shopping on Saturday as I had booked us into a pottery painting session. It was our weekend to have mother-and-daughter time together and that is what she choose to do with me. So my mum volunteered to take her shoe shopping on Sunday so that they could have some time together and I could do house stuff. A trip to Clarks did prove that Little E’s feet had grown and she actually found some shoes in the shop she liked and felt comfortable.
On Monday Little E had an eye test appointment in town. Darren took her and also went to look for new trainers for himself. We gave him an IOU on his birthday for trainers. Little E also needed shoes for the school field. It was Little E that ended up with a new pair of trainers and Darren will have to wait for our next visit to town.
It was also World Book Day this week. Little E’s school had it on the day. Ethan’s school is going to have theirs in a few weeks. They are opening a new library in his school so they thought it would be good to let the children dress up on that day. This year Little E dressed up as Harry Potter. Along with half of the school! I have waited years for her to want to dress up like Harry Potter. I think she was a little put out that so many children were more or less dressed the same. But she had her very own Hedwig puppet to take in with her. Ethan wants to take Hedwig to school so he will also be dressing as Harry Potter in a few weeks.
Apart from the work stresses and our after-school club routine, we have had another pretty normal week.
Shoes and special time with both her parents and grandma sounds wonderful. Had to laugh at Little E getting trainers and not Darren as intended. Next time. I hope she had fun on WBD. I think it’s fun how so many of them do dress up as wizard and witches and turn their school into a Hogwarts for the day. It’s one of those costumes that works en masse. The puppet was a nice touch. I do like the props. I hope Ethan has fun on his day too.
Lovely to have another normal week. Glad Little E found some shoes she liked. We end up spending a small fortune every time Sophie moves up a size now with all the various dance shoes on top of all the other shoes she needs! We had a lot of Harry Potters for World Book Day at Sophie and Thomas’s schools too. Didn’t see any with a Hedwig though… #WotW