word of the week

Word Of The Week – Where?

The past few weeks have gone by in a blur. We had the last week of the summer and the return to school and I just haven’t found the time to blog our word of the week. This week our word of the week has to be


as it has been a week full of Where questions.

Where is the big Skoda?

Our car is back in garage and they are trying to work out where the noise is coming from. We have been given a courtesy car to keep us moving. Ethan has kept asking us where is the big Skoda? We have told him it is at the doctors. This is clearly playing on his mind as this question is being asked in the middle of the night. It is also being mentioned at school. Hopefully the big Skoda will be home soon.

Where is Nanny?

This week nanny is on her travels. She is in Italy and the children know she has gone on holiday on a plane. They have asked about nanny all week. I have used goggle maps to show Little E where she is. She has looked at this a few times this week trying to show me where nanny is. Nanny’s absence this week has in-turn sparked questions about grandad. Grandad has been visiting us as normal but Ethan still asks about both of them in turn.

Where is Ethan’s Coat?

Ethan has been at school for just over a week and in that time he has come home without his school fleece, his coat and his book bag. Ethan has moved out of the autism base at school and is now in a more mainstream class. I think they expect the children to be more aware of their belongings. We aren’t at this stage yet and is something we clearly have to work on. Thankfully everything has now been found.

Where is Irma?

Due to the fact that we are heading to Florida in just 37 days we have been keeping an eye on the hurricane’s in the area. This has been a constant topic of conversation between me and Darren. Not only have we been watching the storm but we have been keeping an eye on the tour operators, airlines and airports to see what has been happening. Hopefully there won’t be anymore hurricane’s that hit land this season as they definitely need the time to recover from the devastation Irma has caused.

I’m sure there has been many more where questions this week. Hopefully things will be a little calmer next week.

The Reading Residence

12 thoughts on “Word Of The Week – Where?”

  1. Where seems to be the perfect word for you all this week. I hope you have the car back soon and they can work out what’s wrong. The hurricane’s have been truly awful haven’t they, hopefully that’ the last of the worst ones now. Have a lovely weekend x

  2. Lots of ‘where?’ questions for you this week. Looking at Google maps to see where someone is travelling is always fun. Hope the big Skoda is back from the doctors soon and that you manage to enjoy your trip to Florida next month without the worry of any more hurricanes. Glad to hear that Ethan’s belongings have all been found too! 🙂 #WotW

  3. What a lot of where’s! We lost our Skoda for a while as it was in for repairs after being crashed into outside our house, we were given a Nissan Juke as a courtesy car and I didn’t like it at all. I hope Irma and any other storms stay away and you are able to enjoy your holiday.

  4. They are good where questions. Hope Nanny is having a good time and the car is home soon. Fingers crossed that the coat, etc are not lost again. I’m sure it will work out, or else you’ll be able to pride yourself on being an expert on where the lost property is kept. 🙂 #wotw

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      I couldn’t believe the amount of things that had gone missing this week. Hopefully he starts to remember to look after his items soon!

  5. I think these last couple of weeks have whizzed over too….
    I hope the big Skoda is home soon to put Ethans mind at rest…I hope his coat turns up soon too. It’s rubbish when things go missing. Oh gosh! I hope hurricane Irma doesn’t ruin your trip. My dad’s cousin was over there on her honeymoon when it was happening. She was thankfully safe holed up in the hotel. She has missed out on days at Disney though. x

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      I’m glad your dad’s cousin is OK. I think Disney were very good at looking after everyone during Irma. Hopefully they were able to enjoy the rest of their time there.

  6. Plenty of questions to keep you on your toes this week. I hope the car’s back soon and that Nanny has a wonderful time. We’ve been keeping up with Tim Tracker to check the news and that he’s safe, hopefully all will be fine when you go x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      We watched Tim Trackers vlog last night. We watch Tim quite a bit, he has really helped with our planning. Thank you for hosting x

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