I’m very late writing my post for our siblings in February as we are now well and truly into March. Like normal our February was full of illness. This year Little E was hit the worst. She picked up Darren’s viral infection and over the course of three weeks she had five days of off school. This meant I only captured this photo of our siblings together on a foggy school run. I did get the chance to make up for the lack on photos on their half-term holiday.

Considering the majority of February was spent fighting illness we did really have a great half-term together. Darren had the time off too. It has been exactly a year that he has been able to take any time off during the school holidays. We had lots of fun at Diggerland Kent where we got to experience lots of new things too.

We also visited Shrek’s Adventure in London again. Ethan loves visiting London and I’m glad it is something we have started to do with the children. Visiting London was always a highlight for me as a child.

There has been a noticeable change with our
It does
The flip side of this is that Ethan is also helping his sister in his own way. Little E is struggling a bit with learning to read. Ethan’s level is just above her and he has been helping her with sounding out her phonics.
March will bring the normal school routine. We are looking forward to April when we will have more family time together.