Ethan isn’t a big fan of dressing up. We have had some luck over the years. In 2017 Ethan dressed up as Batman for his first-ever World Book Day. But last year he refused to go to school in his BFG costume. So you can imagine my surprise when Ethan dressed up during our visit to the London Transport Museum.
As part of the Museum Mission Signs and Symbols, the children have the chance to dress up to help construct the worlds first underground. Ethan spotted the safety sign for men at work first. This doesn’t surprise me as his obsession for the past few months has been road signs.
Ethan’s Dressing Up Moment
Ethan quickly picked up the shovel to recreate the sign. I spotted the items in the dressing up boxes and told Ethan he could put them on. Without any hesitation, he quickly put on the waistcoat and flat cap for me. Posing happily for this photo. He was very eager to help construct the worlds first underground.

Little E’s Dressing Up Moment
Little E wanted to dress up too. She decided she would wear an apron to help construct the worlds first underground. I did try to get her to wear the flat cap on her head. Considering she loves hats she refused to put it on her head. This really didn’t surprise me as she wouldn’t wear the flat cap during the Off-Road Explorers experience she did during our last visit to Center Parcs. I have no idea what she has against flat caps!

We had a lovely day visiting the London Transport Museum. I love that they are hosting the extra Museum Missions this year. Without it, we wouldn’t have experienced this moment with our children.
DISCLOSURE – We received entrance to London Transport Museum as a gift. This was for the purposes of this post and to create our YouTube video. We always share our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences.