Jumping – Small Steps Amazing Achievements

Recently Ethan has started to jump. He hasn’t quite yet mastered how to jump off of things, but to be honest he scares me enough with his climbing. Adding jumping off of things to a list of his achievements is a nightmare waiting to happen, especially as he has no understanding of danger and fear.

Jumping isn’t just what I wanted to share with you this week, and I suppose it is more of a Magic Moment (one for you Jamie!), but Ethan started to interact with the TV.

We were watching a Peppa Pig DVD for the fifth time that day, and it had just ended so the DVD returned to the menu screen. With the exciting prospect of watching it again no one was really in a rush to hit the play button. So the menu screen played for a while. The menu shows Peppa Pig jumping in muddy puddles. To our amazement Ethan got off of the sofa and started to jump with Peppa Pig, he was interacting with her. Something that he has never done before, I was lucky enough to have the camera to hand so I could capture this moment.

21 thoughts on “Jumping – Small Steps Amazing Achievements”

  1. So cute! Loved it šŸ™‚
    Jumping was always not really natural for both my kids for some reason.
    Also, great wallpaper. Not related, but still worth mentioning.

  2. OMG Jane thats such a fantastic video!! i love the fact he was trying to time his jumps so they jumped at the same time! his face really is a picture at the end where he is really loving it!

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you, yes I think he was trying to time his jumps. He does this jumping every time the DVD is played :0)

  3. That just made me cry! Such a huge achievement. His face at the end was heart melting šŸ™‚
    Bruiser cant really jump yet, he can on the spot but not off things (thankfully). He does interact with the TV now a lot but I remember so fondly that his first interaction was Pocoyo!

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