Warning you are about to enter a proud mummy moment!
At the beginning of this month Ethan started to attend nursery, two mornings a week. He is looked after by his Nan and Granddad whist I go to work so he gets very limited time mixing with other children apart from his swimming lessons and song time at the library.
We thought now was the right time to start as Ethan learns by observing and he needs to burn off some of his toddler energy. Already we can see positive changes in him and I really hope his progression continues.
Last week he brought home his first official painting from nursery and I’m so proud to have it on my fridge. We hadn’t moved onto painting at home as play-dough didn’t go down very well and we just felt he hasn’t been ready for it. I know that he needed help to create this but it is one of his milestones that needs to be celebrated.
Ethan’s Masterpiece!
Well done Ethan…fantastic piece of artwork!! So happy with his progress Jane…keep up the good work. Lots of love Andrea xxx