Me & Mine

Me & Mine May 2015

This month we actually got outside to take our Me and Mine photos. Unfortunately the vision I have in my head of beautifully posed photos didn’t quite go to plan. This was our first attempt. The tripod was attached to the buggy and crouching down was clearly not the right thing to do. Ethan didn’t […]

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Me & Mine April 2015

My goal of taking nicely planned Me and Mine photos failed this month! Ethan starting school and Darren working weekends this month means we are back to the trusty sofa photos. We only managed to capture one photo with Ethan willing to look at the camera, Little E was too busy watching the TV! This

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Me & Mine March 2015

This month has been a very busy month, we went on our first holiday as a family of four and we have been preparing Ethan for school. Every day there has been something to do, be it an appointment or a day out. We treated ourselves to a family portrait session whilst at Center Parcs.

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Me & Mine February 2015

I finally ordered the remote for our camera so yesterday we headed out to capture our me and mine photos away from our sofa. We headed to our local park where we ended up finding a spot to sit! I have decided that when Little E gets more mobile these photos should get a little

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Me & Mine January 2015

This month I had every intention of treating us to a remote control for the camera so it would be easier to take our family photos. My brother gave us a voucher for Christmas and it was going to be our treat, I just haven’t been able to get my heard around ordering it. Yesterday

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