Me & Mine April 2015

My goal of taking nicely planned Me and Mine photos failed this month! Ethan starting school and Darren working weekends this month means we are back to the trusty sofa photos.

We only managed to capture one photo with Ethan willing to look at the camera, Little E was too busy watching the TV!


This month has been a busy month for us all with lots of changes brought on by the fact that Ethan started school.

This meant that Ethan said goodbye to his nursery at the start of the month and we are now two weeks into school. There have been ups and downs but it will be a work in progress for a few months yet.

With Ethan at school I have had more time with Little E and we have joined some new baby activities. We go to Sing and Sign, Baby Ballet and mother and baby swimming lessons. This means our weeks have been very busy.

Ethan has also joined a new activity as we have found swimming lessons to suit his ability. So it has been a month of making sure that both children get to their planned activities on time.

With Darren working at the weekends we haven’t been out that much but we did manage to take part in the Easter Egg Hut at the Beth Chatto Gardens and we took Ethan on some of the bigger rides at Clacton Pier which proved a bit much for him.

May sees my baby boy turn 5 and with that brings some busy weekends and possibly lots of balloons. We are also visiting Legoland Windsor, which I’m really looking forward to as Ethan normally really enjoys it there. So another busy month for us all.

dear beautiful

10 thoughts on “Me & Mine April 2015”

  1. Gorgeous family captures this month. Lovely happy family. Happy bday to your little one in May. 5 doesn’t it feel like yesterday they were babies? How fast does time go? Mine are turning 2 and 4 soon and I can’t believe it. Starting school and all. Lovely #meandmine

  2. Such a happy photo of the four of you this month – love Ethan’s smile and Little E is transfixed by the screen! Glad you are managing to enjoy time with Little E and hope Ethan has a wonderful birthday next month and you have a lovely time at Legoland.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you, I really like this photo too, it’s a shame the TV held Little E’s attention. I’m so looking forward to Legoland I feel like a big kid!

  3. Oh Little E cracks me up – what a sweetheart! It seems this month has been a really good one for you with lots of exciting and positive things on the horizon and I’m so glad for all of you 🙂

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you, I thought our busy months would come to an end when Ethan started school. I was very wrong lol

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      I was wondering if we could capture some Me and Mine photos in Legoland, it all depends if Ethan wants to play ball ;0)

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