Last summer Ethan become a chewer to fulfill his sensory needs. This is very common with Autism but it drove us insane. He would chew his t-shirts and ruined so many by stretching them and making holes in them.
We desperately looked for ways to replace his t-shirt chewing habit, we purchased specialized chews and even looked into baby teethers. Nothing could replace t-shirts to fulfill his need.
So when Cheeky Chompers approached us to see if we would like to put their Neckerchew to the test we were more than happy to.
The Cheeky Chompers Neckerchew is the worlds first chewy dribble bib for all needs.
The Cheeky Chompers Neckerchew is available in three sizes, baby, adult and child. This means they can fit neck sizes from 32cm to 50cms. They also have two fastenings making the neck size adjustable.
The chewable is attached to the bottom of the bib…
…and the bib is even reversible.
We tried the Cheeky Chompers Neckerchew on Ethan and it was the perfect size. The chewable is placed at the exact point where Ethan would reach for his t-shirt to chew.
As we have, thankfully, moved on from his biting habit we didn’t want to show Ethan how it would work. But we are glad there is now an option for if/when his biting habit starts up again.
The Neckerchew isn’t suitable for aggressive chewers but if we needed it I would keep a very close eye on when it needed to be replaced.
Little E was also happy to put it to the test. Even though the Neckerchew wasn’t the correct size for her it actually wasn’t a bad fit.
As the Neckerchew’s are also available for adults we even tried it on for comfort and found it nice and soft. If it is in the correct adult size I don’t think anyone with sensory issues would find it uncomfortable.
I think this is a fantastic product and I’m sure will help many families of all needs.