This year we decided that Ethan might be ready to take part in an Easter Egg Hunt. We did look to see if we could find an organised event but then thought it might be best for Ethan’s first attempt to make our own. Whilst Ethan was busy with Nanny and Grandad I hid the chocolate eggs and mini Lindt bunnies in the garden.

So that Ethan would understand what we were looking for I gave him a Lindt Bunny before we set off into the garden in the hope that this will encourage him to look for more.
With the chocolate bunny devoured we set out into the garden. I gave Ethan his little felt basket and he was off running around in excitement with the fact that we were outside.
Now I must admit that I’m amazed that he didn’t let this little basket go for the whole time. Normally if Ethan doesn’t understand an object, or he has no interest in it, the object just gets thrown so I’m really proud of him holding his little basket.
Ethan discovered the eggs in the flower pot by himself but he just picked up the little gold bunny and put it back in the same spot.
So we come over and showed him what to do with the chocolate treats.
He did pick up the next egg himself but dropped it, Daddy ate that one!
Ethan was aware of the fact that the eggs were being put in his basket but we had to collect the other eggs for him as he was getting too excited and wasn’t noticing them around the garden, it was also starting to get very cold!
When we come back in from the garden the Easter Bunny had left even more treats for Ethan!
Ethan ate a few of the small eggs before we hid the basket from him as he hadn’t had any lunch yet. He then started to take notice of his other eggs as if to say “I know what’s in this foil!”.
So they were also removed from sight and placed in the fridge!
I’m also pleased to report that Ethan showed lots of interest in his Mickey Mouse Easter Bunny as soft toys really aren’t something he is interested in but he spent quite a few times playing with him yesterday by making him jump over his head. He also gave him an Ethan cuddle at one point!
We really enjoyed our first Easter Egg hunt with Ethan and we are so proud of the interest he showed in it. He did so well with collecting all the eggs that he even won a medal!