Now that Ethan is 3 he has to have his own Colchester Zoo Gold Pass to gain entry into the zoo. On Darren’s holiday week, we headed to the zoo to purchase one for him. We paid for his pass at the zoo entrance. We then collected it from customer service. As it is close to the playground we let Ethan play in there first. It was nice and empty therefore easier for us to keep an eye on him.
After some time on the swings, Darren decided to take Ethan on the biggest slide I have ever seen! Ethan loved every minute of it.

We then decided to head off to see the goats. Ethan really enjoyed seeing them on our last visit.
On the way to the goats we stopped to visit the lions. The male lion was awake and was saying hello to everyone so we got a really good look at him.

We also stopped to see the fish…

…and Ethan made two friends.

We finally made it to the goats! They weren’t selling the goat food as it was an off-peak day. This meant we couldn’t feed the goats but Ethan still enjoyed himself.

It was nearly time for the afternoon penguin feed. Ethan really enjoyed this the last time we saw it so we decided to go and watch the feed again. As it is summer the feed now takes place outside. We found this out the hard way and had to drag Ethan’s buggy down quite a steep flight of steps. Thankfully we still made it in time. They don’t bring as many penguins’s out for this feed but still enough for it to be quite noisy.

We had been at the zoo for a few hours and it was getting nearer to dinner time. We decided to call it a day but first, we thought we would let Ethan have a few more minutes in the playground. Ethan was having fun on the little slides when I had a very stupid idea!

My Turn On The Colchester Zoo Big Slide!
I suddenly thought that I should show Ethan it’s not only Daddy that can take him on the slides and have fun! I declared that I would take him on the big slide. This was no easy task! Getting to the slide involved crossing rope bridges and climbing up countless platforms. Whilst also stopping Ethan from getting too excited and jumping off of anything too high.

At the top, I finally realised how high this slide actually is and started to panic! My life flashed before my eyes! I had committed myself to this task. Believe me when I say sliding down was definitely the easiest option and Ethan was so excited. So down we went…

…and I survived!
Darren decided to take Ethan down again and I got to capture the moment on video.
Another great afternoon spent at the zoo I’m so glad we got Ethan a Colchester Zoo Gold Pass.
Seeing him sitting in the Kangaroo is hilarious! What a great afternoon. The things we put ourselves through to have fun with our children! My hubby is a lot braver than me and so is my wee man it seems 🙂
We put him in the kangaroo the first time we visited for his 1st birthday, this is the first time since then that he would go in it! I doubt I will be going on that slide again, scared the life out of me!
Such lovely photos. He looks like he had a brilliant time. That lion looks so fierce! It looks like a brilliant zoo!
Thank you, we do enjoy it there, we still haven’t seen all of it!